ok i have a confession.
here it is:
1. monogrammed shit does not = fashion
i. hate. monograms. period. i detest them.
with that said...
you know what I hate more than hair in my food? guys that wear lacoste and/or burberry polos, seven for all mankind and/or true religion jeans and mongrammed gucci/prada shoes. this is the rich man's version of jersey shore. dont act like im not speaking the truth. it's like friggin ed hardy^2 X $100.
there's nothing more smug and pretentious than that whole faux bourgie look. esp when a guy drives a civic.
first of all, you can't get more basic than a polo shirt. it's a collared short sleeved top. the style has been around since the dawn of men, it's been around since the first neanderthal frat boy decided to chop off the sleeves of his collared shirt cz he was hot. not hot like david beckham hot, i mean hot as in 90degree weather hot.
a polo shirt is a polo shirt is a polo shirt. period. there's no artistic difference between one from the Express men and one from Burberry. the only difference is the perceived one in which a guy who makes an effort to wear designer polo shirt thinks he is making a "fashion statement" cz of it's label. but in actuality- it only demonstrates his lack of styling capabilities because the mere fact that he thinks a designer polo is the epitome of class? well- that just goes to show you exactly how lacking he is. it's just trying too much. what's nothing worse than a failed attempt at fashion. cz it highlights that 1. you're trying too hard. 2. you failed miserably.
also seven for mankind jeans.. for men? hmm- I used to wear those … in college. their time has passed. it's over. time to move on. that brand will not be resurrected it! if you're going to make an attempt at fashion- dont default on filene basement bargain-wares and fail miserably.
there's a difference between style vs brands. some people throw monogrammed sht on and call it fashion.
you know what's sexy on a guy?
levis and a vneck from hanes.
that's sexy. it's effortless. it all comes down to effort.