got yer attention ehh? but really- i find this to be such a beautiful picture. Ive always thought the use of nudity, specifically female nudity (is there any other kind?) was gratuitous in movies, that the 'it's art' was a flimsy excuse for men to feel justified in showing tits and ass. however- the moment i saw this picture- i saw the truth of that statement. this picture is pure beauty. college girl is at a protest and she's giving everyone the big ol' FUCK YOU finger. she's topless and smoking a cigarette and she is daring you to deny her. love love love.
my poor little neglected piece of blogsphere... im treatin you like the ugly rebound we all ignore the next day.
apologies to my 3 readers (me myself and i, har har). so technically- apologies to myself... oh rather, shame on you (me) motherfucker! nobody puts baby in a corner! pull your (our) self absorbed head out of your (our) asshole and get back to cultivating this literary masterpiece that has yet to blossom.
like i keep telling myself in due time, my friend.. in due time.
so what has girlninja been up to?
has she been keeping up w/her writing? nooooo
has she been keeping up w/workshops? nooooo
has she been keeping up w/reading? noooo..
has someone been a bad girlninja?? yessss
so i go through peaks and valleys of pure motivation and utter indifference. just the other month, after finally utilizing the online search/hold option at my friendly local library- i went flipping crazy and checked out like 30 books at the same time.
it's the Chinese in me. the moment i realize something is free, a bit of hysteria bubbles up inside me and i will over zealously rape it of its resources.
my books ranged from the serious to the not so serious. the not so serious included vampire academy (book 3 was epic) and true blood (oh eric eric eric).
and im not sharing my 'serious' list with ya'll.
i dont want to be judged! my definition of a 'serious' book right now basically comprises of anything that doesn't involve vampires and hot guys.
going slight off off topic but this reminds me of a workshop i took in which our instructor asked us to reveal our current reads and favorite authors and/or books. everyone else had piped up with some amazing and completely unknown, never heard of titles and authors. unknown to me anyways. and i assume they are amazing because everyone else would nod or voice their approval and agreement.
when it was my turn- i blurted out murakami. because it was the one writer w/street cred that i knew and really enjoyed.
if i had said i loved mystic river by dennis lehane (which i do) im sure they would have tarred and feathered me.
needless to say, my non serious collection was read within the first few days. and my 'serious' collection has been languishing on the floor of my bedroom, collecting dust and library dues.
so that's the update on girlninja.
she hasn't done jackshit to be productive.
i say this all w/cheekiness but in all honesty- this site was created w/the sole purpose of being an oasis and collection of my written creative expression and ideas and thoughts.
the more it languishes, the more a bit of me languishes alongside it.
my soul needs the creative outlet yet i hear the devil's call-im too easily distracted w/shiny bright things and fun social activities.
i hope the new year will grant me the will to stay strong to my ideals.
even though no one reads this blog, i fucking love it.
everything about this blog is... well me. in essence i love myself. HAHA. loving this blog is sort of like masturbation- it's a guilty pleasureand in the end you are just loving yourself! stay true playa!