Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grub Street Workshop 1

so in a valiant attempt to really anchor my decision to take my writing seriously i signed up for a six week workshop with the fabulous boston based grub street writers community.
The course i am taking is called 6 weeks, 6 stories. as you can guess, the concept is to write six weeks in six stories.
today in class, we were introduced to the concept of the six word story and the hint fiction: 25 words or less.
our instructor started out with an example of a famous 6 word story: Ernest Hemingway. his friend bet that hemingway couldn't write a six word story. he did. and he won the bet. his story is: For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

Another example:

Longed for him. Got him. Shit.
by margaret Atwood

to me, the whole concept of the six word story is to try to think of very archetypal words, phrases, things that are very emotionally charged, deeply implicit that even though you're not writing out a full story, those short six words tell a whole story.

this is my six word story:

i love him cz he's rich.

as for my hint fiction: 25 words or less:

she was the surgeon that performed my heart transplant. i fell in love with her and she broke my heart.

next class: flash fiction:
List story: write a story in list form 250 words or less.
Write a "complete" story that is one sentence long.
stayed tuned!

btw, this is the coolest!
The world's shortest horror story: the last man on earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door.
(author unknown)

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