Tuesday, January 5, 2010


name: girlninja
occupation: daydreamer

60% of the time, my head is in the clouds. i have this little fantasy i like to entertain. there are different variations of it but there is always 1 singular theme.
let's say it involves hot men.
and me.
and can get a bit x-rated.
sort of.
the x-rated parts are only subplots- but really, the main main storyline is as pure and chaste as my dick is big (if i was a guy that is).

whenever i get into one of my moods- it takes a lot for me to plummet down back to reality. usually- something spectacularly amusing must occur in my actual life to pique my interest.
once my trance is gone- it's gone. i can't force my mind to transport back even if i wanted to. im squarely back and center, focused on planet earth.
it's a sigh of relief (no one wants to end up being the fat kid watching anime while eating butter alone at night and married to an avatar. and i dont mean the james cameron avatar).
but it's also bittersweet.
it's like saying goodbye to your childhood.
there's a certain seed of sad wistfulness that sprouts these leafs of fantasy.
i still have a certain naivety, and by naivety i think i mean carefree irresponsibility, that i have one foot planted firmly in reality and one foot planted in my own little lalaland.
so keep on dreaming playa*...

*author's footnote:
i realize i like to throw in a lot of hip hop vernicular up on this joint. im not quite sure why as my day to day jargon is pretty proper and posh. im not valley, im not street. most of the time i speak like im a therapist psychoanalyzing something and i look like the most benign sweetest little girl you've ever seen.
i dont know what the reason is but somehow it just feels right...
maybe my alter ego is a chola?
tag: girlninja
occupation: choke'abitch ninja

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